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's Wonderful 's Marvelous $50 SINGLE FAN
Marlatt 2020 Rebloom
Fragrant SemiEvergreen
6" bloom, 48" height
Mid Season Tetraploid

While you're waiting, DID YOU KNOW?  Remove seed pods after blooming so plants are not weakened by seed production.

Saber Tooth Tiger $15
Gossard 2005 BiTone Dormant
8.5" bloom, 32" height
Mid Late Season Diploid

DID YOU KNOW?  Remove seed pods so that the unique seeds do not drop and develop and mix with your hybrid parent plant.

Sabra Salina $5
Wilson 1991 Rebloom
Dormant Fragrant
6" bloom, 22" height
Early Mid Season Diploid

Sacred Heart $12 SINGLE FAN
Moldovan 2001 SemiEvergreen 5" bloom,
26" height Mid Season

Sagarmatha $10
Elliott 1984 Rebloom Fragrant
SemiEvergreen 6" bloom,
27" height Very Late Season

Sailor Sky $15
Pearce 2011 SemiEvergreen
5.5" bloom, 28" height
Late Season 

Sally Kitchens $25
Douglas 2016 Rebloom
6.5" bloom, 24" height
Early Mid Season 

Sam Abell $15
Norris 2010 Rebloom
6.5" bloom, 34" height
Early Mid Season 

Sandra Hudson $8
Boykin 2002 Rebloom
5" bloom, 25" height
Early Season Tetraploid

Sangre de Cristo $15
Stamile 1998 Dormant
6" bloom, 30" height
Early Mid Season 

Sapsucker $6
Klehm 1979 Dormant
6" bloom, 26" height
Early Mid Season Tetraploid

Sara Angeline $25 SINGLE FAN
Douglas 2016 Rebloom Dormant
6.25" bloom, 30" height
Early Mid Season Tetraploid

Savannah Debutante $8 
Joiner 1986 Rebloom
Double Fragrant Dormant
6" bloom, 32" height
Mid Late Season Diploid

Savannah Skipper Doodle $15 Joiner 2007
Rebloom Double
Evergreen 6.5" bloom 
34" height Early Mid Season Tetraploid

Savannah Sunburst $12 SINGLE FAN 
Joiner 1996 Rebloom
Double Fragrant Dormant
6.5" bloom, 26" height
Mid Late Season Diploid

Save the Best for Last $12
Marlatt 2018 Dormant
5" bloom, 36" height
 VeryLate Diploid

Saved from the Spade $30 SINGLE FAN
Marlatt 2022 SemiEvergreen
9" bloom, 27" height
Early Mid Season Diploid

Sayville $5
Stamile 1999 Rebloom
Fragrant Dormant
6" bloom, 22" height
Early Mid Season

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